Legal information

1. Legal information and Acceptance

To comply with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), the use of the website service is regulated, provided by ALAS ALQUILER ASEQUIBLE Y SOCIAL SOCIEDAD DE BENEFICIO E INTERÉS COMÚN, S.A. (hereinafter, ALAS Affordable Housing), for users accessing the site.

The use of the website grants the user the status of website user and implies the acceptance of all conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the website service is limited to the period during which the user is connected to the website or any of the services provided through it. Therefore, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice each time they intend to use the website.

2.Identification of the website owner

The owner of the website is ALAS ALQUILER ASEQUIBLE Y SOCIAL SOCIEDAD DE BENEFICIO E INTERÉS COMÚN, S.A., with CIF A75476689 and registered office at c/ Cristóbal Bordiú, 35, first floor F, 28003, Madrid.
Contact details: Phone: +34 91 010 53 61 – Email: in**@al*******************.com

3. Object ang general conditions of use of the website

These general conditions regulate the use of the portal services:, provided by ALAS Affordable Housing for internet users. By simply using the portal, the user expresses full acceptance, without reservation, of these conditions, which may be modified at any time. ALAS Affordable Housing reserves the right to make modifications and updates to the information on the website at any time and without prior notice.

The website allows interested individuals to access and conduct online research on the properties promoted and offered by ALAS VA.

4. Desclaimer

4.1. Information

The contents of the website are of a general nature, meaning this information alone is insufficient for the user to make personal or business decisions.

As a result, ALAS Affordable Housing will not be responsible for any decisions made based on the information available on the website, nor for any damages that may arise for the user or third parties related to actions that rely solely on information obtained through this medium. For this reason, before taking any action based on the content, users should verify the information obtained on the website with Commercial offices and the corresponding public records.

Additionally, the information may be subject to changes without prior notice regarding its content due to updates, improvements, corrections, or additions.

4.2. Service quality

ALAS Affordable Housing is not responsible for any potential damage caused by security errors on users’ or third parties’ computers during service provision, due to computer viruses or any other harmful computer element, nor for improper functioning of the web browser or the use of outdated versions.

4.3. Service operation and availability

ALAS Affordable Housing does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the portal, services, and content, as access requires third-party services and supplies, including telecommunications network connections. Therefore, it is not responsible for any damage or harm caused by the unavailability of the service or access to the website.

5. Jurisdiction and venue

The relationships between ALAS Affordable Housing and the user will be governed by the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, in cases where the law provides the option for the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, ALAS Affordable Housing and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, will submit to the courts and tribunals of Madrid.