About us

ALAS SBIC Affordable Housing

We are the first Private Limited “Benefit and Common Interest Company -SBIC-, engaged in holding and managing new Affordable and Social Housing (VAS) for rent in Spain. We have an experienced and solid business structure based on four fundamental pillars: founding partners with a high social concept, a firmly committed management team, a financial return on investment with a social impact, and public and private capital investors with a social and environmental purpose.



The ALAS SBIC Affordable Housing team is virtually the same as Alas Social Impact Capital, a housing sector social impact investment manager with a team with a proven track record in origination, structuring and developing investments in the sector and with a high level of social responsibility.

Alejandra Mora

Managing Director – Board Member

Manel Rodríguez

Chief Executive Officer – Board Member

Laura Fernández

Corporate Strategic Management

Cornellius Koppelaar

Three-fold return, impact and relationship with investors


“Creating and preserving affordable housing is one of the most important challenges of our time; we not only invest in propety, we invest in communities"

Manel Rodríguez, Chief Executive Officer – Board Member

“Managing public and private capital in the affordable-housing sector can only be efficient with a profile and from a social and environmental impact perspective”

Alejandra Mora, Managing Director – Board Member